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A brief introduction to the DAS²-theory and the re-construction of the Enneagram from it

DAS²-Theory of Personality: A Cognitive Approach to the Enneagram: Experience


Schwarz, E. and Zarrabi, S. (2017) DAS²-Theory of Personality: A Cognitive Approach to the Enneagram. Psychology, 8, 1802-1815. doi: 10.4236/psych.2017.811118.

DAS²-Theory of Personality: A Cognitive Approach to the Enneagram: FAQ


The Enneagram is a typology of personality that scopes at the level of ego-personality.
Despite the vast amount of attention it has accumulated since its modern emergence in
the 20th century from the Sufi tradition, it is still in need of grounding into current sci-
entific work to disperse some of its much criticized mystical language. The DAS2-the-
ory aims at reconstructing the Enneagram based on cognitive concepts by first estab-
lishing the Dynamic Social Field Theory (DSoFT) that expands the Bourdieusian con-
cept of social fields (1984), and then proposing the ethological trilogy of Dominance,
Aversion, Submission (the DAS-triad) — three distinct stances towards power that have
evolved under the pressure of violence, as described by Lorenz (1998). DSoFT posits
that the mind is constantly challenged to find the social field that most appeals to the
ego in order to react to people and events. To this end — described by using the Bud -
dhist concept of Monkey Mind — the mind jumps from scenario to scenario (field to
field) creating micro-contests until it finds a proper reframing of the challenge where it
can have a strategy that appeals to the ego.
To understand how a DAS-type is formed, three iterative levels have to be built. At the
bottom is the DAS-triad, or stances. Because each stance can be applied from a posi-
tion of superiority or inferiority — that the mind evaluates from the fieldʼs rules —,
each of the three stances can branch into two styles, yielding six potential DAS-styles.
DAS-styles explain behaviors clearly, distinctly, and ethologically, and form the basis
for the application of the DAS2-theory. Lastly, a DAS-type is the selection of a style
from the superior triad, as well as one from the inferior triad. Therefore nine types are
possible, which correspond to the nine Enneatypes.
The DAS2-theory typology can be applied to interpret not only the individuals but also
the supra-individual entitiesʼ behaviors without having to resort to metaphors that
vaguely describe intentions and actions. It offers new innovative ways to analyze politi-
cal events, power scenarios, market perception of brands, and other social dynamics,
and can greatly influence the academic or social communities of the Enneagram and
Power Studies. Further developments in neuropsychoendocrinology and other fields may prove the DAS2-theory assumptions.


Enneagram, Enneatype, Social field, Bourdieu, Dominance, Submission, Aversion, Monkey mind, micro-contest, personality, typology.

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